Here are some sample mouse pointers (a.k.a. "cursors) in various formats to test the OS/2 implementation of the CSS 'cursor' style. These images come from many sites - if you don't see a particular pointer, it's probably the site's fault, not mine :-)
The Windows .cur images have hotspots specified; most of the rest don't, so the hotspot is at the top left corner of the square that bounds the image (0,31 in OS/2 coordinates). Note: the default cursor for the table is a crosshair.
zoomout.cur | Win cursor (32x32) | has a hotspot |
readarrow.cur | Win cursor (32x32) | has a hotspot |
DownloadExe.cur | Win cursor (32x32) | a practical usage |
DownloadPdf.cur | Win cursor (32x32) | a practical usage |
ico-ff.png | opaque gif (32x32) | has a white background |
mozilla-banner.gif | opaque gif (600x58) | too big, you'll get the "hand" pointer instead |
road.gif | transparent gif (32x32) | |
dt_name.gif | transparent gif (32x32) | |
broken-image.gif | transparent gif (14x16) | scaled up to 32x32 |
smiley-kiss.png | transparent png (18x18) | scaled up to 32x32 the white "ears" are part of the image |
mygear.gif | transparent gif (35x39) | odd width to test padding |
gear2.png | transparent png (75x79) | odd width to test padding & downscaling |